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Recovering from a Broken Hip: Tips and Tools for a Faster Recovery

Broken hips or hip fractures are a serious problem for older adults and most commonly result from a low-energy fall. They may also occur due to weakening of the bones due osteoporosis. A broken hip can lead to serious complications such as avascular necrosis, which is the death of tissue due to disrupted blood supply. Here’s what you need to know about recovering from a broken hip.


Patients that have a hip fracture may hear or feel a snap or pop in the hip. There will be severe pain, inability to move the hip or walk, crepitus which is a grating sound caused by the fractured ends of bone rubbing against each other, swelling, the leg on the affected side will be externally rotated and shorter than the normal side. Patients may also experience hypovolemic shock because of severe bleeding.



Generally surgery is advised because without surgery, your ability to walk and take care of yourself can be significantly compromised. Rolling back and forth in bed, getting out of a chair, taking a shower, or going to the bathroom and other everyday activities may be impossible to do unassisted.



Your surgeon may use skin traction before the surgery to decrease muscle spasm. The surgery may involve external or internal stabilization using pins, plates, and screws to stabilize the fracture.



Heal faster after hip fracture surgery with the following tips and tricks:



  • Use an abductor pillow to separate the legs when lying down

  • Keep the head of the bed elevated at 45 degrees

  • Do not flex your hip more than 90 degrees

  • Avoid crossing your legs

  • Consider raising your toilet seat using an assistive device

  • Wear anti-embolism stocking to prevent deep vein thrombosis or blood clots

  • Use crutches or a walker for a couple of days to reduce pain and discomfort




Most patients can expect to be out of bed on the first day after surgery and participating in physical therapy, but you must limit full weight bearing and return to routine activities until cleared by your surgeon.



Dr. Jacob brings cutting edge techniques and technology to the Oklahoma City area. He has extensive training in minimally invasive, rapid recovery joint replacement as well as robotically assisted hip and knee replacement. Dr. Jacob is a pioneer in outpatient joint replacement allowing some patients to go home the same day as their procedure and recover in the comfort of their own home. The cornerstone of Dr. Jacob’s practice is to have the recovery process be easier, faster and less painful allowing his patients to get back into the game of life. Dr. Jacob is committed to bringing the highest level of orthopedic care while treating each and every patient like a family member. Providing you with patient centered care you can trust.


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